ABC#180, for St. Jude, 6-11-23

Much thanks to Mike & Dawn Laffey for being super hosts for ABC #180 at their home on June 11. Rain nixed the pool party but a great sum of $2,975 was donated to St. Jude by the 14 attendees plus another 12 that donated online or sent a check. Thanks so much to everyone for your participation, donations, and providing food. A partial list of food providers include Lisa Sparks (coffee cake), Dawn Laffey (casserole, beverages), Laura Hamilton (casserole), Stacy Sheridan (banana bread), Sandra Sharp (fruit), and Betty Brandt (fudge). We’ve held a total of 21 ABC runs for St. Jude and the total of those runs is $40,568. The total for all 180 ABC runs is $217,191 . Merci…gracias…takk…thank you for all of your support over the years!