ABC#185, The Baby Fold, 4-13-24

Another fantastic ABC! A total of $4,558 was donated to The Baby Fold by 48 participants, including 41 attendees plus another seven that either mailed a check or used the online option. This is the second highest total of all twenty years of ABC events for The Baby Fold! Thanks so much for your generosity and enthusiasm! Thanks to Sam Guillory and at least five other Baby Fold staff for being great hosts and for providing food & beverages. Thanks to Lisa Sparks for making the coffee cake, Kevin Fahling for the cookies, Stacy Sheridan for the egg casserole, Betty Brandt for the brownies, and all the others who brought food. Thanks also to Mike Laffey and Claire Wagner for serving as photographers. A funny thing happened as I was about to pick up the refreshment box stationed on the course. A young man got to the box before me, grabbed a Gatorade, and continued running. Betty and I debated whether I should include a “mister X” as an ABC run participant. He is no...