ABC#179/Multi-Sport, for Timber Pointe

 ABC#179/Multi-Sport on May 20 was a great day. Thanks to 33 participants, $740 was donated to Timber Pointe Outdoor Center. We had to cancel the swim but it was a nice cool morning to run and to bicycle. Thanks so much to everyone who donated, attended, organized, volunteered, brought food, cooked, and enhanced the day with your enthusiasm.

At 8:00, Lydia Gartner thanked us and told us about Timber Pointe’s programs. We than took a group photo and started the run. Some ran the road course (4 or 8 miles) and some ran trails.

At 9:15, bicyclists took off for either 13 or 26 miles.  

At 11:30, the cookout started. What a feast: grilled chicken breasts, brats, snacks, apple pie, coffee cake, cookies, banana bread, and beverages. Thanks to the chefs, Mike Johnson and Robbie Pratt. Also thanks to those who brought food. A partial list includes Central Illinois Masters Swim Team (brats, chicken breasts, snack), Lisa Sparks (coffee cake), Kevin Fahling (cookies), Rebecca Africano (cookies), and Tod Williamson (pie, banana bread, beverages)!

Thanks to Kevin McCarthy, John Pratt, and Tod Williamson for organizing. Thanks to all helped with all the various duties. 

All of these events now add up to $22,007 for Timber Pointe. All 179 ABC runs total $214,216 in donations to local children’s charities!


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