ABC#169, for Scott Early Learning Center, 2-19-22
Meatloaf sang “Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad” about looking for a good time. When looking for a good time to run, one out of three ain’t bad. February 19 was (1) windy and (2) cold but (3) sunny, so it turned out pretty well with $695 donated to Scott Early Learning Center. Thanks so much to the 16 attendees and two other donors for your generous support of children in our community. Scott ELC will benefit even more when State Farm employees/retirees apply under their matching grant program.
We met at Underwood Park in Normal for convenient trail access and to avoid
having a group gathering indoors at this time of covid precautions. We did
manage to get a group photo with those in attendance at 8:30. Then, most went
for a run while Pat Sheridan cross-country
This is the 14th year of ABC runs for SELC. This
year’s $695 brings the fourteen-year total to $10,832. The total for all 169 ABC runs is $192,590. That
ain’t bad (actually really great) for some friends just out having fun and
giving thanks for their ability to do so. Thanks a million to all who have provided
financial support, food, and encouragement.