ABC#172, for St. Jude, 6-12-2022


ABC Run #172 was at Underwood Park, the start of Meg’s Miles, on June 12. An excellent total of $3,390 was donated to St. Jude by the 25 attendees plus several runners that donated online or sent a check. Pretty good turnout for a day in which storms were forecast. Luckily the rain held off until we finished.

Thanks so much to all participants and donators, Rebecca Africano for making “Meg's coffee cake”, Mike Laffey for taking photos and bringing coffee cake, Tammy Knippenberg for making cinnamon rolls, and Sandra Sharp for bringing the bananas.

We’ve held a total of 20 ABC runs for St. Jude and the total of those runs is $37,593. The total for all 172 ABC runs is $201,354. Wow! We just passed $200,000 this event! What a milestone! Thank you…thank you…thank you for all of your support over the years! 


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