ABC#179/Multi-Sport, for Timber Pointe
ABC#179/Multi-Sport on May 20 was a great day. Thanks to 33 participants, $740 was donated to Timber Pointe Outdoor Center. We had to cancel the swim but it was a nice cool morning to run and to bicycle. Thanks so much to everyone who donated, attended, organized, volunteered, brought food, cooked, and enhanced the day with your enthusiasm. At 8:00, Lydia Gartner thanked us and told us about Timber Pointe’s programs. We than took a group photo and started the run. Some ran the road course (4 or 8 miles) and some ran trails. At 9:15, bicyclists took off for either 13 or 26 miles. At 11:30, the cookout started. What a feast: grilled chicken breasts, brats, snacks, apple pie, coffee cake, cookies, banana bread, and beverages. Thanks to the chefs, Mike Johnson and Robbie Pratt . Also thanks to those who brought food. A partial list includes Central Illinois Masters Swim Team (brats, chicken breasts, snack), Lisa Sparks (coffee cake), Kevin Fahling (cookies), Rebecca...